Saturday, November 10, 2012

You've Come A Long Way, Baby

Baby Photos As Unique Art

It's that time again. The time of year when we all gather together to celebrate the holidays with family. You can bet that there will be lots of family photos taken, and, traditionally, many families take this opportunity to get "Family Portraits".

Everyone has probably had the opportunity to enjoy some Awkward Family Photo moments. Many of us can relate to the frustration of trying to get the perfect family photo, or even more ambitious, a perfect picture of a new addition to the family, the elusive "sleeping baby".

Wrap: KnitNJules, Stick:Emily Pike Photo:Christi William
Successful baby photography is really all about patience and timing. And luck (a little anyway).

Gone are the days of  the 8 x 10 glossy photo taken at some Mall store.

We've come a long way, baby. Baby pictures don't have to be "cutsie" or "stuffy". They can be unique, personal, interesting art.

Don't your baby photos deserve to be works of art in themselves? Can't you just see this printed on acrylic and hanging over your fireplace or the entry of your home?

At Grinkie Photography, we look at every portrait session as an opportunity to celebrate milestones by creating one-of-a-kind artwork, with you as the subject. Book a session (we still have openings on November 17th for a mini shoot - just $50 for a half-hour and one digital image - more products available), get yourself and your little angel a nap, and let's make some art. And memories.

Photo: Christi Williams

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